Levosulpiride Tablets is a drug belongs to category of antipsychotic drugs. This drug is indicated for the treatment of stomach and intestines disorders like GERD (Gastroesophagal reflux disease), Levosulpiride is well capable in showing therapeutic properties – gut motility.

Mechanism of action of Levosulpiride Tablets
Levosulpiride helps in increasing the muscles tone of GI Tract by binding the specific receptor named dopamine in the brain.
Side effects of Levosulpiride Tablets
Levosulpiride have some side effects also like constipation, weight gain, diarrhea, abnormal menstrual periods, abdominal ache, abdominal cramps, sleeping disorder, weakness, tenderness of breast, libido decline, fever, abnormal heart rates, sweating etc.
Precautions to be taken with Levosulpiride Tablets
If you are planning to start medication with Levosulpiride be sure that you are not allergic to the active ingredient levosulpiride and other inactive ingredients used in formulations.
Take an extra care and precautions during the pregnancy and breast feeding conditions.
If you are taking this medication during pregnancy you should must consult to your doctor.
Also take suggestion with your doctor if you are initiating this medication during breast feeding condition as levosulpiride may release from human milk.
Levosulpiride is mostly formulated in the form of capsules and tablets. Levosulpiride is also formulated in the form of capsules in combination with other proton pump inhibitors drugs like Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole, Esomeprazole etc.
Many pharmaceutical companies in India involved in manufacturing of Levosulpiride formulation. One of them is Affy group who is the pharmaceutical manufacturer engaged in the manufacturing of Levosulpiride tablets in India.